Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dirty Laundry

Isn't it amazing how there's millions of us walking on this earth, but when we go through a difficult time we feel like we're all alone. With so many people sharing this planet how could we possibly believe that no one understands our situation or has gone through what we're experiencing. I think the reason why we feel this way is because not enough people share their testimony.

Simply put, a testimony is an account of something you have experienced. That something can be a tangible item or a situation. We may read a testimony online when we're considering purchasing a product, or listen to testimonials on t.v. about a product someone has used and claims its changed their lives forever.

One of the most liberating things that I love to do is share my experiences with others. Giving someone hope is the greatest gift when they're facing a life challenge. The challenge doesn't necessarily have to be huge, it could be something as small as picking out a baby name or a new school for your child to attend. The point is we all have a testimony and we shouldn't be afraid to share it with others if it means that it's going to be beneficial to someone's life.

Now I know some people are extremely private and don't like to "air their dirty laundry". I totally understand. There are some things that have happened in my life that I wouldn't lunge at the mic to share. But honestly, if I believed that my "dirty laundry" could help someone else, then I would dump out my hamper and let them see and smell my stain covered, musty smelling clothes. It wouldn't be easy to do, but at that moment it wouldn't be about me. It's about them. It's about showing someone else that they're not alone during their difficult time. During my teen years whenever I was going through something, it seemed like no one was coming to my rescue or lending an empathetic ear. However, when I became an adult I found that more individuals were willing to share their stories with me. And it helped tremendously. I was able to stop singing that blues classic "Nobody Knows".

I'm no better than you because I'm willing to share my mistakes, misfortunes, or pain. Any one of us can do it if we want to. So, the next time when you go through a difficult life challenge and come out of it victoriously, be proud that you've overcome it, but never forget that victory can be much sweeter when it's shared with others.

Be blessed

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